Friday, May 11, 2012

F block Figure draw h/w due Tuesday May 15

From the packet, chose a figure and do a study make sure that you incorporate the gesture and observe proportions. Your sketch should be at least 1/2 size of the page. Bring your sketchbook to class. It needs to be in your sketchbook.. I won't accept tear outs or single sheet pieces of paper.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Art Show 2012: All draw paint classes please read

Wrap up before the art show:

To earn an A in the art show participation: you must

Mount or frame your best pieces from 2011-2012; these art pieces must have been produced this year at Marin Academy..

Your pieces need to be signed legibly and not to LARGE on the front of the art pieces. First and last name ( name tags okay, but must be typed). Your pieces are due on MAY 1st. Anything later will result in a late penalty.

You need to clean out your cubby, clean painting palettes, put your sketchbook in your cubby.

Help organize, clean and hang the art show. Any “hanging” around, listening to your iPod, socializing excessively, and leaving the space will result in points being taken off your art show participation grade.

Art One: mount one or two drawings, collages or your painting ( the painting doesn’t have to be mounted or framed)

200 level students:
You can have two pieces of your artwork for the art show

300 students:
Two pieces of your artwork are required. These will be posted in the studio classroom.

400 level students:
Three pieces of your art are required. Keep in mind that we will have the theater wall for extra space for 1 additional small piece of art and possibly one wall in the BBLC, we will be sharing this space with Photography. Art statement will hang next to your work.

**300 level students are required to attend a portfolio session from Barry Beach TBA it will be a lunch time presentation during the art show. Other students are welcome but it is not mandatory.

All pieces are due: Monday, May 1st, ready to hang. Anything after that date will be marked late, unless special arrangements are made. There will be no art making in the studio the week of MAY 1st. We will be cleaning and hanging the show.

Participation in the art show is 25% of your final grade.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Powerpoint outline for test on Feb. 3rd/OUTLINE DUE JAN 26TH B BLOCK

Powerpoint presentation: Test on artists


Please print out a one page outline of your powerpoint for a study guide by this Thursday!

On this very simple one page outline include :

artist name, art movement or philosophy
one image of the artist’s work and time period that the artist worked in.

I will have a STUDY packet prepared for each of you on Jan 30th. Any missing outlines could make the test harder for everyone, so please be prepared.

The test will be 30 minutes and will hit on each person’s artist. The Test is Feb. 3rd

Image identification. Also, presenters please email me an image of your artist that you used in your powerpoint.

You will be asked to identify the artist, the art movement and something about that artist.

Thursday: Meredith, Annie Keli, Frances, Tess, Hannah Jose Kelly

Monday Ciarra Rachel Cora Livia Terrence (Julian, Dan, Adam) Sophia, Daisy

Friday, January 20, 2012

Powerpoint B block.

Info: Artist biographical info: dates

Important influences or contributions that artist has made historically
Images of the artist's work ( include 5-8 images)
Technical advances that the artist made? Art movement associated with that artist ( here you should include information about that art movement eg: Abstract Expressionism and it's impact on Modern Art why?)

Be able to discuss one piece in depth ( how it was made, why it's so compelling for you-- here you can discuss composition, style, psychological impact)

You will have five-7 minutes to present ( you should know your art/art movement well; mot relying on notecards) We will be presenting Thursday of next week. You will have Tuesday to work on this as well. How you plan on using your time on Tuesdays class is up to you. You can either work on finalizing your art piece or work on your ppt.

H/w: is one of the following work on PPT or work on portrait.

Due Dates: Final Self portrait due: Tuesday end of class.
Powerpoint: Thursday end of class.

The following week there will be a lengthy quiz on each students artist, so you need to give me a copy of your powerpoint. The quiz will be identify the artist and art movement (There will be seventeen artists represented). So you should take notes on each students ppt. presentation.

Monday, January 9, 2012

C block: Advanced Art by next Tuesday Jan 17th

Homework: 1 and 1/2 hours of documented time spent on your series
1. Have a clear idea of what medium, image, etc.
2. Have your first piece started!

Friday, January 6, 2012

F Block Art Spring 2012

Projects: Finishing 1st painting due: Jan 12th Critique; you are welcome to take paint home over the weekend.
January: 2point perspective concepts
Drawing basic shapes and structures in perspective
Feburary: Back to painting: expanded color palette learning to paint form and shadows
March/April: Impressionist landscape
May first week: Art Show

Successful participation

Creativity: original thought process and stretching yourself into new territory; not copying others photographs or artwork directly

Compositon: keeping in mind the principles of design ( line, value, depth, movement, pattern, texture, contrast, space, etc.) Your creative process using effective and exploring these elements of art that we have covered for three and a half years in art since MA.

Craft: how you present your final pieces including taking care of your work, presenting it to your audience for the art show
Class participaton: how focused and engaged you are in your own process, not distracted by irrelevant conversations which can slow you and others down in class, including listening to ipods or leaving the art room because you aren't prepared with your research ( excessive computer lab visits, visiting other classes on way to bathroom, etc.)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Art 300 B block powerpoint/test

Art 300 Powerpoint on your inspiration artist Jan 20/24th

Length: 5-7 minutes

Info should include: artist bio, relevancy to culture, innovations, art movement
Images of that artist work
How this artist influenced your work.
You also need to site your sources .

When: We will start presentations on Jan 20th/24th. Critique of the portraits will be Jan 18th. They will go for two class periods. If you are finished with your portrait early you may use class time in the art room to do your research.

While watching the other powerpoints, you will take notes as there will be a short test on the different artists that were presented. On this test, you will be responsible to know the different artist names and be able to identify the artists and art movement associated with the artist.

Your powerpoint will be graded on following directions, your knowledge and research of the artist, and the clarity of your presentation.

The test will be on Jan 30th after the powerpoint. It will only take a 1/2 period.