Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Advanced Homework 400 level Due Sept. 10th

Still lIfe drawing of bottles
Project 5F in packet: Drawing of bottles: Due: Sept. 10th
any drawing medium

Project 5 F: Before starting your drawing, practice drawing free hand ellipses.

Ellipses: Make a drawing of a group of bottles glasses, or cans arranged on a table. Choose at least five different heights and widths much like the still ife in your packet. Draw from an eye level that is slightly above the top of the tallest bottle. Take special care to draw the ellispes symmetrically and rounded at the endes. Each ellipse will vary in openness accourding to its distance from your eye level. Draw through all ellipses even those you don't see on the bottoms of the cans and bottles. Use any medium. Allow for an hour to two hours to complete the drawing.

How to make a successful drawing.

Rule #1: Establish your eye level. We must know wheter to make our ellipse open ( more nearly round) or closed ( more nearly flat).
Rule #2: The ellipse closes or flattens out as it nears eye level.

Rule # 3 Drawing a good ellipse takes practice. You'll have more success if you keep in mind that the ends of the ellipse are always rounded, never pointed. Basically, there are no shortcuts, to make a good ellipse you have to draw alot of them.