Based on the assessments, I can see that we all could use a bit of review on our knowledge of perspective
What is due Monday Aug. 29th
Group 1: ( assessment with orange tag)Boxes in perspective: using the handout as an example, create Do a Version not a copy of the exercise ( No TRACING)
Group 2: Assessment with one point perspective or two point that is accurate.
A review of one point perspective concepts with the challenge of drawing a cup ( your personal cup or waterbottle in accurate perspective) ~ thus giving your practice at drawing ellipses.
here is what I want you to do: STEP ONE: This should be on one page
Go to the link below and READ the text, next at the bottom of the text is a good explanation of how to draw an ellipse from a circle... Copy that image ( don't trace it, copy it free hand, you may use a ruler for this part)
STEP 2: Step your cup or bottle on a table so you can see both the bottom and top edge of the cup or water bottle. Do your drawing exactly as you would do a one point perspective drawing... in other words , set up your horizon line, vanishing point, and draw your top ellipse first or bottom which ever is easier. This might take a few trys.
What am I looking for: an observed drawing, not from a photograph.
Fits on the page, isn't too small or too large ( check your proportions)
Shows that you read the article and that you followed instructions
and yes, I am looking for accuracy, so it will take a few trys.